The Ugly Truth About Fructose

Apr 01, 2022

-“You shouldn’t be eating that.”


You- “What?”


-“That apple.”


You- “What? Why??”


-“Because, apples have sugar, and you shouldn’t eat sugar”


You- “????????...........????”





You ever experienced something like this? Wild right?


Believe it or not this is the thought process of many out there whom have been led to believe that all sugars regardless of source are the enemy.


And, while yes highly processed sugars can make it VERY difficult to lose weight. Not all sugars are a hinderance on your weight loss journey.


The sugar you get from fruit called Fructose. Fructose IS. NOT. BAD. FOR. YOU.


Fructose is processed directly by the liver. The liver can only process so much fructose at one time (about 40g). Anything else over that amount WILL be stored, as any energy consumed that cannot be used must be stored.


This is nothing but the laws of thermodynamics at work. Energy cannot be destroyed, only transferred, or stored.


And how does or body store energy? BODY FAT!!


But this does not mean that fructose is bad and should be avoided. IN FACT! We really should be eating fruits.


Fruits contain vital micronutrients that we NEED to survive and operate optimally. And if your intention is to be fit and have a lean toned physique than you need to be able to perform optimally. There is a difference between being fit and being HEALTHY!! You can look great and be in shit health, believe me I KNOW!


Getting a diverse profile of vitamins and minerals is very important to living a healthy life. And to get a diverse profile of vitamins and minerals we need to eat plenty of vegetables and FRUITS!


Nobody ever got fat from eating an apple, a handful of grapes, a bowl of blueberries, or half a watermelon. There are only 46 calories in 152g (1 CUP) of watermelon.


Once again everything comes down to calorie/energy balance. No matter what we eat, only overeating is bad for us.


We must stop demonizing things we don’t understand. Making crazy accusations about things that we hear from some ‘’Guru”.


Like, “Carbs are bad for you.” ”Just eat a bunch of fat and you’ll become a fat burning machine.” “Insulin is just a storage hormone and eating carbs and fats together will cause you to just store those fats.”   


These are things I have personally heard being spouted to millions of people on social media and television. It’s crap and it leads so very many people down the wrong roads.


The ugly truth about Fructose is that just like any other food, you can’t just go hog wild on it and expect to not gain weight. Overconsumption is ALWAYS the problem! Stop blaming the inability to control how much is being eaten on outside forces.   

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