93lbs in 9 months!! HOW!!

May 11, 2022

93lbs lost…….


Some people may wonder what qualifies me to give out fitness and nutrition advice. What makes what I have to say have any weight.


I would say to them. It is the fact that I have gone out and educated myself, got the certifications needed to be qualified in this space. That I continue to push the boundaries of my knowledge and challenge the beliefs and opinions I hold. That not only have I done all this and helped others lose weight and achieve things they never thought possible, but I have DONE IT MYSELF!


93lbs. 273lbs to 180lbs, that’s the amount of weight I lost over a 9-month period.

I understand what it takes to create a life altering change in yourself. I understand how much work goes into creating a physique you can be proud of. I’ve done it!!


I want to help others do the same. So, here are 4 things that I did that helped me lose 93lbs in just 9 months.



  1. Track Macros – Being meticulous with tracking the things that you are eating. Everything down to the sauces and oils you cook with. Everything matters when you are trying to lose weight. If we don’t track the things that we are eating, we can’t control what we are eating. If we do not control, we do not change.
  2. Eat Enough Protein - Making sure we get adequate amounts of protein is another crucial part of weight loss. 1-1.2g per pound of goal body weight to be exact. There are several reasons to keep a high protein level when trying to lose weight. First, protein is very satiating. This will allow you to fill up faster and feel full longer with less overall food taken in. Second, protein is expensive for the body to process. Up to 30% of the calories you take in from the protein are going to be used in simply processing that protein. This of course is dependent on the fact that you are using whole sources of protein. Third, we know that creating a lean toned physique is most effectively and sustainably done by increasing the bodies lean muscle mass. We need protein to repair and grow new muscle, so keeping a high protein intake is necessary to seeing that lean toned physique everyone is after.
  3. 100oz of Water – Making sure you drink enough water each day is another important piece of the weight loss process. A very common misconception about water intake is that “if I drink a bunch of water, won’t I get bloated?”. This is false, in fact, the more water you drink the more willing your body is to let go of that water and the less you will see the bloating effect. Water also acts as a conductor and carrier. It allows for better conduction of electrical impulse signals within the body allowing for better performance and function. It also shuttles nutrients in and out of cells allowing for proper cell function. So, making sure that you take in at least 100oz of water each day is a very important piece of the weight loss puzzle.
  4. Move, Move, Move – A minimum of 30 min every day. This doesn’t mean you have to workout 7 days a week, though you should at least 3-4 days per week, this means that you should get at least 30 min of activity per day. Maybe that’s just taking the dog for a walk, throwing a ball around with your kids, doing yoga. Just something that gets you up and moving around for at least 30 min every day.



Tracking everything that you eat, making sure you get 1-1.2g per pound of goal weight in protein, drinking at least 100oz of water, and 30 minutes of movement every day. If you focus on these four habits consistently you will have a huge piece of the puzzle figured out. The weight will begin to come off and you will see that weigh loss does not have to be difficult, but it does take effort and dedication to seeing your goals through. Nothing worth having in life comes without first putting in the work.

I hope you find something here that will aid you in some way. Even if just by 1%. Because that’s the whole point for me. Just being 1% better each day.


I hope you go out and have the best day of your life!!



Theron Merrick

Owner/Head Coach

Gym R.A.T. Coaching LLC

If you'd like to get started on created the best you possible, with a plan designed specifically for you as an individual.


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